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Robot Framework library for verifying and modifying XML documents.

As the name implies, XML is a library for verifying contents of XML files. In practice, it is a pretty thin wrapper on top of Python's [|ElementTree XML API].

The library has the following main usages:

  • Parsing an XML file, or a string containing XML, into an XML element structure and finding certain elements from it for further analysis (e.g. Parse XML and Get Element keywords).
  • Getting text or attributes of elements (e.g. Get Element Text and Get Element Attribute).
  • Directly verifying text, attributes, or whole elements (e.g Element Text Should Be and Elements Should Be Equal).
  • Modifying XML and saving it (e.g. Set Element Text, Add Element and Save XML).

== Table of contents ==


= Parsing XML =

XML can be parsed into an element structure using Parse XML keyword. The XML to be parsed can be specified using a path to an XML file or as a string or bytes that contain XML directly. The keyword returns the root element of the structure, which then contains other elements as its children and their children. Possible comments and processing instructions in the source XML are removed.

XML is not validated during parsing even if it has a schema defined. How possible doctype elements are handled otherwise depends on the used XML module and on the platform. The standard ElementTree strips doctypes altogether, but when using lxml they are preserved when XML is saved.

The element structure returned by Parse XML, as well as elements returned by keywords such as Get Element, can be used as the source argument with other keywords. In addition to an already parsed XML structure, other keywords also accept paths to XML files and strings containing XML similarly as Parse XML. Notice that keywords that modify XML do not write those changes back to disk even if the source would be given as a path to a file. Changes must always be saved explicitly using Save XML keyword.

When the source is given as a path to a file, the forward slash character (/) can be used as the path separator regardless the operating system. On Windows also the backslash works, but in the data it needs to be escaped by doubling it (\\). Using the built-in variable ${/} naturally works too.

= Using lxml =

By default, this library uses Python's standard [|ElementTree] module for parsing XML, but it can be configured to use [|lxml] module instead when importing the library. The resulting element structure has same API regardless which module is used for parsing.

The main benefits of using lxml is that it supports richer xpath syntax than the standard ElementTree and enables using Evaluate Xpath keyword. It also preserves the doctype and possible namespace prefixes saving XML.

= Example =

The following simple example demonstrates parsing XML and verifying its contents both using keywords in this library and in BuiltIn and Collections libraries. How to use xpath expressions to find elements and what attributes the returned elements contain are discussed, with more examples, in Finding elements with xpath and Element attributes sections.

In this example, as well as in many other examples in this documentation, ${XML} refers to the following example XML document. In practice ${XML} could either be a path to an XML file or it could contain the XML itself.

| | text | | | | | more text | | | | |

| Text with bold and italics. |

| |

| ${root} = | Parse XML | ${XML} | | | | Should Be Equal | ${root.tag} | example | | | | ${first} = | Get Element | ${root} | first | | | Should Be Equal | ${first.text} | text | | | | Dictionary Should Contain Key | ${first.attrib} | id | | | Element Text Should Be | ${first} | text | | | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${first} | id | 1 | | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${root} | id | 1 | xpath=first | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${XML} | id | 1 | xpath=first |

Notice that in the example three last lines are equivalent. Which one to use in practice depends on which other elements you need to get or verify. If you only need to do one verification, using the last line alone would suffice. If more verifications are needed, parsing the XML with Parse XML only once would be more efficient.

= Finding elements with xpath =

ElementTree, and thus also this library, supports finding elements using xpath expressions. ElementTree does not, however, support the full xpath standard. The supported xpath syntax is explained below and [| ElementTree documentation] provides more details. In the examples ${XML} refers to the same XML structure as in the earlier example.

If lxml support is enabled when importing the library, the whole [|xpath 1.0 standard] is supported. That includes everything listed below but also a lot of other useful constructs.

== Tag names ==

When just a single tag name is used, xpath matches all direct child elements that have that tag name.

| ${elem} = | Get Element | ${XML} | third | | Should Be Equal | ${elem.tag} | third | | | @{children} = | Get Elements | ${elem} | child | | Length Should Be | ${children} | 2 | |

== Paths ==

Paths are created by combining tag names with a forward slash (/). For example, parent/child matches all child elements under parent element. Notice that if there are multiple parent elements that all have child elements, parent/child xpath will match all these child elements.

| ${elem} = | Get Element | ${XML} | second/child | | Should Be Equal | ${elem.tag} | child | | | ${elem} = | Get Element | ${XML} | third/child/grandchild | | Should Be Equal | ${elem.tag} | grandchild | |

== Wildcards ==

An asterisk (*) can be used in paths instead of a tag name to denote any element.

| @{children} = | Get Elements | ${XML} | */child | | Length Should Be | ${children} | 3 | |

== Current element ==

The current element is denoted with a dot (.). Normally the current element is implicit and does not need to be included in the xpath.

== Parent element ==

The parent element of another element is denoted with two dots (..). Notice that it is not possible to refer to the parent of the current element.

| ${elem} = | Get Element | ${XML} | */second/.. | | Should Be Equal | ${elem.tag} | third | |

== Search all sub elements ==

Two forward slashes (//) mean that all sub elements, not only the direct children, are searched. If the search is started from the current element, an explicit dot is required.

| @{elements} = | Get Elements | ${XML} | .//second | | Length Should Be | ${elements} | 2 | | | ${b} = | Get Element | ${XML} | html//b | | Should Be Equal | ${b.text} | bold | |

== Predicates ==

Predicates allow selecting elements using also other criteria than tag names, for example, attributes or position. They are specified after the normal tag name or path using syntax path[predicate]. The path can have wildcards and other special syntax explained earlier. What predicates the standard ElementTree supports is explained in the table below.

| = Predicate = | = Matches = | = Example = | | @attrib | Elements with attribute attrib. | second[@id] | | @attrib="value" | Elements with attribute attrib having value value. | *[@id="2"] | | position | Elements at the specified position. Position can be an integer (starting from 1), expression last(), or relative expression like last() - 1. | third/child[1] | | tag | Elements with a child element named tag. | third/child[grandchild] |

Predicates can also be stacked like path[predicate1][predicate2]. A limitation is that possible position predicate must always be first.

= Element attributes =

All keywords returning elements, such as Parse XML, and Get Element, return ElementTree's [|Element objects]. These elements can be used as inputs for other keywords, but they also contain several useful attributes that can be accessed directly using the extended variable syntax.

The attributes that are both useful and convenient to use in the data are explained below. Also other attributes, including methods, can be accessed, but that is typically better to do in custom libraries than directly in the data.

The examples use the same ${XML} structure as the earlier examples.

== tag ==

The tag of the element.

| ${root} = | Parse XML | ${XML} | | Should Be Equal | ${root.tag} | example |

== text ==

The text that the element contains or Python None if the element has no text. Notice that the text does not contain texts of possible child elements nor text after or between children. Notice also that in XML whitespace is significant, so the text contains also possible indentation and newlines. To get also text of the possible children, optionally whitespace normalized, use Get Element Text keyword.

| ${1st} = | Get Element | ${XML} | first | | Should Be Equal | ${1st.text} | text | | | ${2nd} = | Get Element | ${XML} | second/child | | Should Be Equal | ${2nd.text} | ${NONE} | | | ${p} = | Get Element | ${XML} | html/p | | Should Be Equal | ${p.text} | \n${SPACE*6}Text with${SPACE} |

== tail ==

The text after the element before the next opening or closing tag. Python None if the element has no tail. Similarly as with text, also tail contains possible indentation and newlines.

| ${b} = | Get Element | ${XML} | html/p/b | | Should Be Equal | ${b.tail} | ${SPACE}and${SPACE} |

== attrib ==

A Python dictionary containing attributes of the element.

| ${2nd} = | Get Element | ${XML} | second | | Should Be Equal | ${2nd.attrib['id']} | 2 | | | ${3rd} = | Get Element | ${XML} | third | | Should Be Empty | ${3rd.attrib} | | |

= Handling XML namespaces =

ElementTree and lxml handle possible namespaces in XML documents by adding the namespace URI to tag names in so-called Clark Notation. That is inconvenient especially with xpaths, and by default this library strips those namespaces away and moves them to xmlns attribute instead. That can be avoided by passing keep_clark_notation argument to Parse XML keyword. Alternatively Parse XML supports stripping namespace information altogether by using strip_namespaces argument. The pros and cons of different approaches are discussed in more detail below.

== How ElementTree handles namespaces ==

If an XML document has namespaces, ElementTree adds namespace information to tag names in [|Clark Notation] (e.g. {http://ns.uri}tag) and removes original xmlns attributes. This is done both with default namespaces and with namespaces with a prefix. How it works in practice is illustrated by the following example, where ${NS} variable contains this XML document:

| | | | |

| ${root} = | Parse XML | ${NS} | keep_clark_notation=yes | | Should Be Equal | ${root.tag} | {}stylesheet | | Element Should Exist | ${root} | {}template/{}html | | Should Be Empty | ${root.attrib} |

As you can see, including the namespace URI in tag names makes xpaths really long and complex.

If you save the XML, ElementTree moves namespace information back to xmlns attributes. Unfortunately it does not restore the original prefixes:

| | | | |

The resulting output is semantically same as the original, but mangling prefixes like this may still not be desirable. Notice also that the actual output depends slightly on ElementTree version.

== Default namespace handling ==

Because the way ElementTree handles namespaces makes xpaths so complicated, this library, by default, strips namespaces from tag names and moves that information back to xmlns attributes. How this works in practice is shown by the example below, where ${NS} variable contains the same XML document as in the previous example.

| ${root} = | Parse XML | ${NS} | | Should Be Equal | ${root.tag} | stylesheet | | Element Should Exist | ${root} | template/html | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${root} | xmlns | | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${root} | xmlns | | xpath=template/html |

Now that tags do not contain namespace information, xpaths are simple again.

A minor limitation of this approach is that namespace prefixes are lost. As a result the saved output is not exactly same as the original one in this case either:

| | |

Also this output is semantically same as the original. If the original XML had only default namespaces, the output would also look identical.

== Namespaces when using lxml ==

This library handles namespaces same way both when using lxml and when not using it. There are, however, differences how lxml internally handles namespaces compared to the standard ElementTree. The main difference is that lxml stores information about namespace prefixes and they are thus preserved if XML is saved. Another visible difference is that lxml includes namespace information in child elements got with Get Element if the parent element has namespaces.

== Stripping namespaces altogether ==

Because namespaces often add unnecessary complexity, Parse XML supports stripping them altogether by using strip_namespaces=True. When this option is enabled, namespaces are not shown anywhere nor are they included if XML is saved.

== Attribute namespaces ==

Attributes in XML documents are, by default, in the same namespaces as the element they belong to. It is possible to use different namespaces by using prefixes, but this is pretty rare.

If an attribute has a namespace prefix, ElementTree will replace it with Clark Notation the same way it handles elements. Because stripping namespaces from attributes could cause attribute conflicts, this library does not handle attribute namespaces at all. Thus the following example works the same way regardless how namespaces are handled.

| ${root} = | Parse XML | | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${root} | id | 1 | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${root} | {http://my.ns}id | 2 |

= Boolean arguments =

Some keywords accept arguments that are handled as Boolean values true or false. If such an argument is given as a string, it is considered false if it is an empty string or equal to FALSE, NONE, NO, OFF or 0, case-insensitively. Other strings are considered true regardless their value, and other argument types are tested using the same [|rules as in Python].

True examples: | Parse XML | ${XML} | keep_clark_notation=True | # Strings are generally true. | | Parse XML | ${XML} | keep_clark_notation=yes | # Same as the above. | | Parse XML | ${XML} | keep_clark_notation=${TRUE} | # Python True is true. | | Parse XML | ${XML} | keep_clark_notation=${42} | # Numbers other than 0 are true. |

False examples: | Parse XML | ${XML} | keep_clark_notation=False | # String false is false. | | Parse XML | ${XML} | keep_clark_notation=no | # Also string no is false. | | Parse XML | ${XML} | keep_clark_notation=${EMPTY} | # Empty string is false. | | Parse XML | ${XML} | keep_clark_notation=${FALSE} | # Python False is false. |

== Pattern matching ==

Some keywords, for example Elements Should Match, support so called [|glob patterns] where:

| * | matches any string, even an empty string | | ? | matches any single character | | [chars] | matches one character in the bracket | | [!chars] | matches one character not in the bracket | | [a-z] | matches one character from the range in the bracket | | [!a-z] | matches one character not from the range in the bracket |

Unlike with glob patterns normally, path separator characters / and \ and the newline character \n are matches by the above wildcards.

Import library with optionally lxml mode enabled.

This library uses Python's standard [|ElementTree] module for parsing XML by default. If use_lxml argument is given a true value (see Boolean arguments), the [|lxml] module is used instead. See the Using lxml section for benefits provided by lxml.

Using lxml requires that the lxml module is installed on the system. If lxml mode is enabled but the module is not installed, this library emits a warning and reverts back to using the standard ElementTree.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def __init__(self, use_lxml=False):
    """Import library with optionally lxml mode enabled.

    This library uses Python's standard
    module for parsing XML by default. If ``use_lxml`` argument is given
    a true value (see `Boolean arguments`), the [|lxml] module
    is used instead. See the `Using lxml` section for benefits provided by lxml.

    Using lxml requires that the lxml module is installed on the system.
    If lxml mode is enabled but the module is not installed, this library
    emits a warning and reverts back to using the standard ElementTree.
    if use_lxml and lxml_etree:
        self.etree = lxml_etree
        self.modern_etree = True
        self.lxml_etree = True
        self.etree = ET
        self.modern_etree = ET.VERSION >= '1.3'
        self.lxml_etree = False
    if use_lxml and not lxml_etree:
        logger.warn('XML library reverted to use standard ElementTree '
                    'because lxml module is not installed.')
    self._ns_stripper = NameSpaceStripper(self.etree, self.lxml_etree)



Parses the given XML file or string into an element structure.

The source can either be a path to an XML file or a string containing XML. In both cases the XML is parsed into ElementTree [|element structure] and the root element is returned. Possible comments and processing instructions in the source XML are removed.

As discussed in Handling XML namespaces section, this keyword, by default, removes namespace information ElementTree has added to tag names and moves it into xmlns attributes. This typically eases handling XML documents with namespaces considerably. If you do not want that to happen, or want to avoid the small overhead of going through the element structure when your XML does not have namespaces, you can disable this feature by giving keep_clark_notation argument a true value (see Boolean arguments).

If you want to strip namespace information altogether so that it is not included even if XML is saved, you can give a true value to strip_namespaces argument.

Examples: | ${root} = | Parse XML | | | ${xml} = | Parse XML | ${CURDIR}/test.xml | keep_clark_notation=True | | ${xml} = | Parse XML | ${CURDIR}/test.xml | strip_namespaces=True |

Use Get Element keyword if you want to get a certain element and not the whole structure. See Parsing XML section for more details and examples.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def parse_xml(self, source, keep_clark_notation=False, strip_namespaces=False):
    """Parses the given XML file or string into an element structure.

    The ``source`` can either be a path to an XML file or a string
    containing XML. In both cases the XML is parsed into ElementTree
    [|element structure]
    and the root element is returned. Possible comments and processing
    instructions in the source XML are removed.

    As discussed in `Handling XML namespaces` section, this keyword, by
    default, removes namespace information ElementTree has added to tag
    names and moves it into ``xmlns`` attributes. This typically eases
    handling XML documents with namespaces considerably. If you do not
    want that to happen, or want to avoid the small overhead of going
    through the element structure when your XML does not have namespaces,
    you can disable this feature by giving ``keep_clark_notation`` argument
    a true value (see `Boolean arguments`).

    If you want to strip namespace information altogether so that it is
    not included even if XML is saved, you can give a true value to
    ``strip_namespaces`` argument.

    | ${root} = | Parse XML | <root><child/></root> |
    | ${xml} = | Parse XML | ${CURDIR}/test.xml | keep_clark_notation=True |
    | ${xml} = | Parse XML | ${CURDIR}/test.xml | strip_namespaces=True |

    Use `Get Element` keyword if you want to get a certain element and not
    the whole structure. See `Parsing XML` section for more details and
    if isinstance(source, os.PathLike):
        source = str(source)
    with ETSource(source) as source:
        tree = self.etree.parse(source)
    if self.lxml_etree:
        strip = (lxml_etree.Comment, lxml_etree.ProcessingInstruction)
        lxml_etree.strip_elements(tree, *strip, **dict(with_tail=False))
    root = tree.getroot()
    if not keep_clark_notation:
        self._ns_stripper.strip(root, preserve=not strip_namespaces)
    return root


get_element(source, xpath='.')

Returns an element in the source matching the xpath.

The source can be a path to an XML file, a string containing XML, or an already parsed XML element. The xpath specifies which element to find. See the introduction for more details about both the possible sources and the supported xpath syntax.

The keyword fails if more, or less, than one element matches the xpath. Use Get Elements if you want all matching elements to be returned.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${element} = | Get Element | ${XML} | second | | ${child} = | Get Element | ${element} | child |

Parse XML is recommended for parsing XML when the whole structure is needed. It must be used if there is a need to configure how XML namespaces are handled.

Many other keywords use this keyword internally, and keywords modifying XML are typically documented to both to modify the given source and to return it. Modifying the source does not apply if the source is given as a string. The XML structure parsed based on the string and then modified is nevertheless returned.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def get_element(self, source, xpath='.'):
    """Returns an element in the ``source`` matching the ``xpath``.

    The ``source`` can be a path to an XML file, a string containing XML, or
    an already parsed XML element. The ``xpath`` specifies which element to
    find. See the `introduction` for more details about both the possible
    sources and the supported xpath syntax.

    The keyword fails if more, or less, than one element matches the
    ``xpath``. Use `Get Elements` if you want all matching elements to be

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${element} = | Get Element | ${XML}     | second |
    | ${child} =   | Get Element | ${element} | child  |

    `Parse XML` is recommended for parsing XML when the whole structure
    is needed. It must be used if there is a need to configure how XML
    namespaces are handled.

    Many other keywords use this keyword internally, and keywords modifying
    XML are typically documented to both to modify the given source and
    to return it. Modifying the source does not apply if the source is
    given as a string. The XML structure parsed based on the string and
    then modified is nevertheless returned.
    elements = self.get_elements(source, xpath)
    if len(elements) != 1:
        self._raise_wrong_number_of_matches(len(elements), xpath)
    return elements[0]


get_elements(source, xpath)

Returns a list of elements in the source matching the xpath.

The source can be a path to an XML file, a string containing XML, or an already parsed XML element. The xpath specifies which element to find. See the introduction for more details.

Elements matching the xpath are returned as a list. If no elements match, an empty list is returned. Use Get Element if you want to get exactly one match.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${children} = | Get Elements | ${XML} | third/child | | Length Should Be | ${children} | 2 | | | ${children} = | Get Elements | ${XML} | first/child | | Should Be Empty | ${children} | | |

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def get_elements(self, source, xpath):
    """Returns a list of elements in the ``source`` matching the ``xpath``.

    The ``source`` can be a path to an XML file, a string containing XML, or
    an already parsed XML element. The ``xpath`` specifies which element to
    find. See the `introduction` for more details.

    Elements matching the ``xpath`` are returned as a list. If no elements
    match, an empty list is returned. Use `Get Element` if you want to get
    exactly one match.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${children} =    | Get Elements | ${XML} | third/child |
    | Length Should Be | ${children}  | 2      |             |
    | ${children} =    | Get Elements | ${XML} | first/child |
    | Should Be Empty  |  ${children} |        |             |
    if isinstance(source, (str, bytes, os.PathLike)):
        source = self.parse_xml(source)
    finder = ElementFinder(self.etree, self.modern_etree, self.lxml_etree)
    return finder.find_all(source, xpath)


get_child_elements(source, xpath='.')

Returns the child elements of the specified element as a list.

The element whose children to return is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

All the direct child elements of the specified element are returned. If the element has no children, an empty list is returned.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${children} = | Get Child Elements | ${XML} | | | Length Should Be | ${children} | 4 | | | ${children} = | Get Child Elements | ${XML} | xpath=first | | Should Be Empty | ${children} | | |

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def get_child_elements(self, source, xpath='.'):
    """Returns the child elements of the specified element as a list.

    The element whose children to return is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`

    All the direct child elements of the specified element are returned.
    If the element has no children, an empty list is returned.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${children} =    | Get Child Elements | ${XML} |             |
    | Length Should Be | ${children}        | 4      |             |
    | ${children} =    | Get Child Elements | ${XML} | xpath=first |
    | Should Be Empty  | ${children}        |        |             |
    return list(self.get_element(source, xpath))


get_element_count(source, xpath='.')

Returns and logs how many elements the given xpath matches.

Arguments source and xpath have exactly the same semantics as with Get Elements keyword that this keyword uses internally.

See also Element Should Exist and Element Should Not Exist.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def get_element_count(self, source, xpath='.'):
    """Returns and logs how many elements the given ``xpath`` matches.

    Arguments ``source`` and ``xpath`` have exactly the same semantics as
    with `Get Elements` keyword that this keyword uses internally.

    See also `Element Should Exist` and `Element Should Not Exist`.
    count = len(self.get_elements(source, xpath))"{count} element{s(count)} matched '{xpath}'.")
    return count


element_should_exist(source, xpath='.', message=None)

Verifies that one or more element match the given xpath.

Arguments source and xpath have exactly the same semantics as with Get Elements keyword. Keyword passes if the xpath matches one or more elements in the source. The default error message can be overridden with the message argument.

See also Element Should Not Exist as well as Get Element Count that this keyword uses internally.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def element_should_exist(self, source, xpath='.', message=None):
    """Verifies that one or more element match the given ``xpath``.

    Arguments ``source`` and ``xpath`` have exactly the same semantics as
    with `Get Elements` keyword. Keyword passes if the ``xpath`` matches
    one or more elements in the ``source``. The default error message can
    be overridden with the ``message`` argument.

    See also `Element Should Not Exist` as well as `Get Element Count`
    that this keyword uses internally.
    count = self.get_element_count(source, xpath)
    if not count:
        self._raise_wrong_number_of_matches(count, xpath, message)


element_should_not_exist(source, xpath='.', message=None)

Verifies that no element match the given xpath.

Arguments source and xpath have exactly the same semantics as with Get Elements keyword. Keyword fails if the xpath matches any element in the source. The default error message can be overridden with the message argument.

See also Element Should Exist as well as Get Element Count that this keyword uses internally.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def element_should_not_exist(self, source, xpath='.', message=None):
    """Verifies that no element match the given ``xpath``.

    Arguments ``source`` and ``xpath`` have exactly the same semantics as
    with `Get Elements` keyword. Keyword fails if the ``xpath`` matches any
    element in the ``source``. The default error message can be overridden
    with the ``message`` argument.

    See also `Element Should Exist` as well as `Get Element Count`
    that this keyword uses internally.
    count = self.get_element_count(source, xpath)
    if count:
        self._raise_wrong_number_of_matches(count, xpath, message)


    source, xpath=".", normalize_whitespace=False

Returns all text of the element, possibly whitespace normalized.

The element whose text to return is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

This keyword returns all the text of the specified element, including all the text its children and grandchildren contain. If the element has no text, an empty string is returned. The returned text is thus not always the same as the text attribute of the element.

By default all whitespace, including newlines and indentation, inside the element is returned as-is. If normalize_whitespace is given a true value (see Boolean arguments), then leading and trailing whitespace is stripped, newlines and tabs converted to spaces, and multiple spaces collapsed into one. This is especially useful when dealing with HTML data.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${text} = | Get Element Text | ${XML} | first | | Should Be Equal | ${text} | text | | | ${text} = | Get Element Text | ${XML} | second/child | | Should Be Empty | ${text} | | | | ${paragraph} = | Get Element | ${XML} | html/p | | ${text} = | Get Element Text | ${paragraph} | normalize_whitespace=yes | | Should Be Equal | ${text} | Text with bold and italics. |

See also Get Elements Texts, Element Text Should Be and Element Text Should Match.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def get_element_text(self, source, xpath='.', normalize_whitespace=False):
    """Returns all text of the element, possibly whitespace normalized.

    The element whose text to return is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`

    This keyword returns all the text of the specified element, including
    all the text its children and grandchildren contain. If the element
    has no text, an empty string is returned. The returned text is thus not
    always the same as the `text` attribute of the element.

    By default all whitespace, including newlines and indentation, inside
    the element is returned as-is. If ``normalize_whitespace`` is given
    a true value (see `Boolean arguments`), then leading and trailing
    whitespace is stripped, newlines and tabs converted to spaces, and
    multiple spaces collapsed into one. This is especially useful when
    dealing with HTML data.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${text} =       | Get Element Text | ${XML}       | first        |
    | Should Be Equal | ${text}          | text         |              |
    | ${text} =       | Get Element Text | ${XML}       | second/child |
    | Should Be Empty | ${text}          |              |              |
    | ${paragraph} =  | Get Element      | ${XML}       | html/p       |
    | ${text} =       | Get Element Text | ${paragraph} | normalize_whitespace=yes |
    | Should Be Equal | ${text}          | Text with bold and italics. |

    See also `Get Elements Texts`, `Element Text Should Be` and
    `Element Text Should Match`.
    element = self.get_element(source, xpath)
    text = ''.join(self._yield_texts(element))
    if normalize_whitespace:
        text = self._normalize_whitespace(text)
    return text


    source, xpath, normalize_whitespace=False

Returns text of all elements matching xpath as a list.

The elements whose text to return is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Elements keyword.

The text of the matched elements is returned using the same logic as with Get Element Text. This includes optional whitespace normalization using the normalize_whitespace option.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | @{texts} = | Get Elements Texts | ${XML} | third/child | | Length Should Be | ${texts} | 2 | | | Should Be Equal | @{texts}[0] | more text | | | Should Be Equal | @{texts}[1] | ${EMPTY} | |

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def get_elements_texts(self, source, xpath, normalize_whitespace=False):
    """Returns text of all elements matching ``xpath`` as a list.

    The elements whose text to return is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Elements`

    The text of the matched elements is returned using the same logic
    as with `Get Element Text`. This includes optional whitespace
    normalization using the ``normalize_whitespace`` option.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | @{texts} =       | Get Elements Texts | ${XML}    | third/child |
    | Length Should Be | ${texts}           | 2         |             |
    | Should Be Equal  | @{texts}[0]        | more text |             |
    | Should Be Equal  | @{texts}[1]        | ${EMPTY}  |             |
    return [self.get_element_text(elem, normalize_whitespace=normalize_whitespace)
            for elem in self.get_elements(source, xpath)]



Verifies that the text of the specified element is expected.

The element whose text is verified is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

The text to verify is got from the specified element using the same logic as with Get Element Text. This includes optional whitespace normalization using the normalize_whitespace option.

The keyword passes if the text of the element is equal to the expected value, and otherwise it fails. The default error message can be overridden with the message argument. Use Element Text Should Match to verify the text against a pattern instead of an exact value.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | text | xpath=first | | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | ${EMPTY} | xpath=second/child | | ${paragraph} = | Get Element | ${XML} | xpath=html/p | | Element Text Should Be | ${paragraph} | Text with bold and italics. | normalize_whitespace=yes |

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def element_text_should_be(self, source, expected, xpath='.',
                           normalize_whitespace=False, message=None):
    """Verifies that the text of the specified element is ``expected``.

    The element whose text is verified is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`

    The text to verify is got from the specified element using the same
    logic as with `Get Element Text`. This includes optional whitespace
    normalization using the ``normalize_whitespace`` option.

    The keyword passes if the text of the element is equal to the
    ``expected`` value, and otherwise it fails. The default error message
    can be overridden with the ``message`` argument.  Use `Element Text
    Should Match` to verify the text against a pattern instead of an exact

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Element Text Should Be | ${XML}       | text     | xpath=first      |
    | Element Text Should Be | ${XML}       | ${EMPTY} | xpath=second/child |
    | ${paragraph} =         | Get Element  | ${XML}   | xpath=html/p     |
    | Element Text Should Be | ${paragraph} | Text with bold and italics. | normalize_whitespace=yes |
    text = self.get_element_text(source, xpath, normalize_whitespace)
    should_be_equal(text, expected, message, values=False)



Verifies that the text of the specified element matches expected.

This keyword works exactly like Element Text Should Be except that the expected value can be given as a pattern that the text of the element must match.

Pattern matching is similar as matching files in a shell with *, ? and [chars] acting as wildcards. See the Pattern matching section for more information.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Element Text Should Match | ${XML} | t??? | xpath=first | | ${paragraph} = | Get Element | ${XML} | xpath=html/p | | Element Text Should Match | ${paragraph} | Text with * and *. | normalize_whitespace=yes |

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def element_text_should_match(self, source, pattern, xpath='.',
                              normalize_whitespace=False, message=None):
    """Verifies that the text of the specified element matches ``expected``.

    This keyword works exactly like `Element Text Should Be` except that
    the expected value can be given as a pattern that the text of the
    element must match.

    Pattern matching is similar as matching files in a shell with
    ``*``, ``?`` and ``[chars]`` acting as wildcards. See the
    `Pattern matching` section for more information.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Element Text Should Match | ${XML}       | t???   | xpath=first  |
    | ${paragraph} =            | Get Element  | ${XML} | xpath=html/p |
    | Element Text Should Match | ${paragraph} | Text with * and *. | normalize_whitespace=yes |
    text = self.get_element_text(source, xpath, normalize_whitespace)
    should_match(text, pattern, message, values=False)


    source, name, xpath=".", default=None

Returns the named attribute of the specified element.

The element whose attribute to return is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

The value of the attribute name of the specified element is returned. If the element does not have such element, the default value is returned instead.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${attribute} = | Get Element Attribute | ${XML} | id | xpath=first | | Should Be Equal | ${attribute} | 1 | | | | ${attribute} = | Get Element Attribute | ${XML} | xx | xpath=first | default=value | | Should Be Equal | ${attribute} | value | | |

See also Get Element Attributes, Element Attribute Should Be, Element Attribute Should Match and Element Should Not Have Attribute.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def get_element_attribute(self, source, name, xpath='.', default=None):
    """Returns the named attribute of the specified element.

    The element whose attribute to return is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`

    The value of the attribute ``name`` of the specified element is returned.
    If the element does not have such element, the ``default`` value is
    returned instead.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${attribute} =  | Get Element Attribute | ${XML} | id | xpath=first |
    | Should Be Equal | ${attribute}          | 1      |    |             |
    | ${attribute} =  | Get Element Attribute | ${XML} | xx | xpath=first | default=value |
    | Should Be Equal | ${attribute}          | value  |    |             |

    See also `Get Element Attributes`, `Element Attribute Should Be`,
    `Element Attribute Should Match` and `Element Should Not Have Attribute`.
    return self.get_element(source, xpath).get(name, default)


get_element_attributes(source, xpath='.')

Returns all attributes of the specified element.

The element whose attributes to return is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

Attributes are returned as a Python dictionary. It is a copy of the original attributes so modifying it has no effect on the XML structure.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${attributes} = | Get Element Attributes | ${XML} | first | | Dictionary Should Contain Key | ${attributes} | id | | | ${attributes} = | Get Element Attributes | ${XML} | third | | Should Be Empty | ${attributes} | | |

Use Get Element Attribute to get the value of a single attribute.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def get_element_attributes(self, source, xpath='.'):
    """Returns all attributes of the specified element.

    The element whose attributes to return is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`

    Attributes are returned as a Python dictionary. It is a copy of the
    original attributes so modifying it has no effect on the XML structure.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${attributes} = | Get Element Attributes      | ${XML} | first |
    | Dictionary Should Contain Key | ${attributes} | id     |       |
    | ${attributes} = | Get Element Attributes      | ${XML} | third |
    | Should Be Empty | ${attributes}               |        |       |

    Use `Get Element Attribute` to get the value of a single attribute.
    return dict(self.get_element(source, xpath).attrib)


    source, name, expected, xpath=".", message=None

Verifies that the specified attribute is expected.

The element whose attribute is verified is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

The keyword passes if the attribute name of the element is equal to the expected value, and otherwise it fails. The default error message can be overridden with the message argument.

To test that the element does not have a certain attribute, Python None (i.e. variable ${NONE}) can be used as the expected value. A cleaner alternative is using Element Should Not Have Attribute.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Element Attribute Should Be | ${XML} | id | 1 | xpath=first | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${XML} | id | ${NONE} | |

See also Element Attribute Should Match and Get Element Attribute.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def element_attribute_should_be(self, source, name, expected, xpath='.',
    """Verifies that the specified attribute is ``expected``.

    The element whose attribute is verified is specified using ``source``
    and ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with
    `Get Element` keyword.

    The keyword passes if the attribute ``name`` of the element is equal to
    the ``expected`` value, and otherwise it fails. The default error
    message can be overridden with the ``message`` argument.

    To test that the element does not have a certain attribute, Python
    ``None`` (i.e. variable ``${NONE}``) can be used as the expected value.
    A cleaner alternative is using `Element Should Not Have Attribute`.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Element Attribute Should Be | ${XML} | id | 1       | xpath=first |
    | Element Attribute Should Be | ${XML} | id | ${NONE} |             |

    See also `Element Attribute Should Match` and `Get Element Attribute`.
    attr = self.get_element_attribute(source, name, xpath)
    should_be_equal(attr, expected, message, values=False)


    source, name, pattern, xpath=".", message=None

Verifies that the specified attribute matches expected.

This keyword works exactly like Element Attribute Should Be except that the expected value can be given as a pattern that the attribute of the element must match.

Pattern matching is similar as matching files in a shell with *, ? and [chars] acting as wildcards. See the Pattern matching section for more information.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Element Attribute Should Match | ${XML} | id | ? | xpath=first | | Element Attribute Should Match | ${XML} | id | c*d | xpath=third/second |

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def element_attribute_should_match(self, source, name, pattern, xpath='.',
    """Verifies that the specified attribute matches ``expected``.

    This keyword works exactly like `Element Attribute Should Be` except
    that the expected value can be given as a pattern that the attribute of
    the element must match.

    Pattern matching is similar as matching files in a shell with
    ``*``, ``?`` and ``[chars]`` acting as wildcards. See the
    `Pattern matching` section for more information.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Element Attribute Should Match | ${XML} | id | ?   | xpath=first |
    | Element Attribute Should Match | ${XML} | id | c*d | xpath=third/second |
    attr = self.get_element_attribute(source, name, xpath)
    if attr is None:
        raise AssertionError(f"Attribute '{name}' does not exist.")
    should_match(attr, pattern, message, values=False)


    source, name, xpath=".", message=None

Verifies that the specified element does not have attribute name.

The element whose attribute is verified is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

The keyword fails if the specified element has attribute name. The default error message can be overridden with the message argument.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Element Should Not Have Attribute | ${XML} | id | | Element Should Not Have Attribute | ${XML} | xxx | xpath=first |

See also Get Element Attribute, Get Element Attributes, Element Text Should Be and Element Text Should Match.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def element_should_not_have_attribute(self, source, name, xpath='.', message=None):
    """Verifies that the specified element does not have attribute ``name``.

    The element whose attribute is verified is specified using ``source``
    and ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with
    `Get Element` keyword.

    The keyword fails if the specified element has attribute ``name``. The
    default error message can be overridden with the ``message`` argument.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Element Should Not Have Attribute | ${XML} | id  |
    | Element Should Not Have Attribute | ${XML} | xxx | xpath=first |

    See also `Get Element Attribute`, `Get Element Attributes`,
    `Element Text Should Be` and `Element Text Should Match`.
    attr = self.get_element_attribute(source, name, xpath)
    if attr is not None:
        raise AssertionError(message or
                             f"Attribute '{name}' exists and has value '{attr}'.")



Verifies that the given source element is equal to expected.

Both source and expected can be given as a path to an XML file, as a string containing XML, or as an already parsed XML element structure. See introduction for more information about parsing XML in general.

The keyword passes if the source element and expected element are equal. This includes testing the tag names, texts, and attributes of the elements. By default, also child elements are verified the same way, but this can be disabled by setting exclude_children to a true value (see Boolean arguments). Child elements are expected to be in the same order, but that can be changed by giving sort_children a true value. Notice that elements are sorted solely based on tag names.

All texts inside the given elements are verified, but possible text outside them is not. By default, texts must match exactly, but setting normalize_whitespace to a true value makes text verification independent on newlines, tabs, and the amount of spaces. For more details about handling text see Get Element Text keyword and discussion about elements' text and tail attributes in the introduction.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${first} = | Get Element | ${XML} | first | | Elements Should Be Equal | ${first} | text | | ${p} = | Get Element | ${XML} | html/p | | Elements Should Be Equal | ${p} |

Text with bold and italics.

| normalize_whitespace=yes | | Elements Should Be Equal | ${p} |

Text with

| exclude | normalize |

The last example may look a bit strange because the <p> element only has text Text with. The reason is that rest of the text inside <p> actually belongs to the child elements. This includes the . at the end that is the tail text of the <i> element.

See also Elements Should Match.

sort_children is new in Robot Framework 7.0.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def elements_should_be_equal(self, source, expected, exclude_children=False,
                             normalize_whitespace=False, sort_children=False):
    """Verifies that the given ``source`` element is equal to ``expected``.

    Both ``source`` and ``expected`` can be given as a path to an XML file,
    as a string containing XML, or as an already parsed XML element
    structure. See `introduction` for more information about parsing XML in

    The keyword passes if the ``source`` element and ``expected`` element
    are equal. This includes testing the tag names, texts, and attributes
    of the elements. By default, also child elements are verified the same
    way, but this can be disabled by setting ``exclude_children`` to a
    true value (see `Boolean arguments`). Child elements are expected to
    be in the same order, but that can be changed by giving ``sort_children``
    a true value. Notice that elements are sorted solely based on tag names.

    All texts inside the given elements are verified, but possible text
    outside them is not. By default, texts must match exactly, but setting
    ``normalize_whitespace`` to a true value makes text verification
    independent on newlines, tabs, and the amount of spaces. For more
    details about handling text see `Get Element Text` keyword and
    discussion about elements' `text` and `tail` attributes in the

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${first} =               | Get Element | ${XML} | first             |
    | Elements Should Be Equal | ${first}    | <first id="1">text</first> |
    | ${p} =                   | Get Element | ${XML} | html/p            |
    | Elements Should Be Equal | ${p} | <p>Text with <b>bold</b> and <i>italics</i>.</p> | normalize_whitespace=yes |
    | Elements Should Be Equal | ${p} | <p>Text with</p> | exclude | normalize |

    The last example may look a bit strange because the ``<p>`` element
    only has text ``Text with``. The reason is that rest of the text
    inside ``<p>`` actually belongs to the child elements. This includes
    the ``.`` at the end that is the `tail` text of the ``<i>`` element.

    See also `Elements Should Match`.

    ``sort_children`` is new in Robot Framework 7.0.
    self._compare_elements(source, expected, should_be_equal, exclude_children,
                           sort_children, normalize_whitespace)



Verifies that the given source element matches expected.

This keyword works exactly like Elements Should Be Equal except that texts and attribute values in the expected value can be given as patterns.

Pattern matching is similar as matching files in a shell with *, ? and [chars] acting as wildcards. See the Pattern matching section for more information.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${first} = | Get Element | ${XML} | first | | Elements Should Match | ${first} | * |

See Elements Should Be Equal for more examples.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def elements_should_match(self, source, expected, exclude_children=False,
                          normalize_whitespace=False, sort_children=False):
    """Verifies that the given ``source`` element matches ``expected``.

    This keyword works exactly like `Elements Should Be Equal` except that
    texts and attribute values in the expected value can be given as

    Pattern matching is similar as matching files in a shell with
    ``*``, ``?`` and ``[chars]`` acting as wildcards. See the
    `Pattern matching` section for more information.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${first} =            | Get Element | ${XML} | first          |
    | Elements Should Match | ${first}    | <first id="?">*</first> |

    See `Elements Should Be Equal` for more examples.
    self._compare_elements(source, expected, should_match, exclude_children,
                           sort_children, normalize_whitespace)


set_element_tag(source, tag, xpath='.')

Sets the tag of the specified element.

The element whose tag to set is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the source is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Set Element Tag | ${XML} | newTag | | Should Be Equal | ${XML.tag} | newTag | | Set Element Tag | ${XML} | xxx | xpath=second/child | | Element Should Exist | ${XML} | second/xxx | | Element Should Not Exist | ${XML} | second/child |

Can only set the tag of a single element. Use Set Elements Tag to set the tag of multiple elements in one call.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def set_element_tag(self, source, tag, xpath='.'):
    """Sets the tag of the specified element.

    The element whose tag to set is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`
    keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the ``source``
    is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Set Element Tag      | ${XML}     | newTag     |
    | Should Be Equal      | ${XML.tag} | newTag     |
    | Set Element Tag      | ${XML}     | xxx        | xpath=second/child |
    | Element Should Exist | ${XML}     | second/xxx |
    | Element Should Not Exist | ${XML} | second/child |

    Can only set the tag of a single element. Use `Set Elements Tag` to set
    the tag of multiple elements in one call.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    self.get_element(source, xpath).tag = tag
    return source


set_elements_tag(source, tag, xpath='.')

Sets the tag of the specified elements.

Like Set Element Tag but sets the tag of all elements matching the given xpath.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def set_elements_tag(self, source, tag, xpath='.'):
    """Sets the tag of the specified elements.

    Like `Set Element Tag` but sets the tag of all elements matching
    the given ``xpath``.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    for elem in self.get_elements(source, xpath):
        self.set_element_tag(elem, tag)
    return source


set_element_text(source, text=None, tail=None, xpath='.')

Sets text and/or tail text of the specified element.

The element whose text to set is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the source is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

Element's text and tail text are changed only if new text and/or tail values are given. See Element attributes section for more information about text and tail in general.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Set Element Text | ${XML} | new text | xpath=first | | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | new text | xpath=first | | Set Element Text | ${XML} | tail=& | xpath=html/p/b | | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | Text with bold&italics. | xpath=html/p | normalize_whitespace=yes | | Set Element Text | ${XML} | slanted | !! | xpath=html/p/i | | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | Text with bold&slanted!! | xpath=html/p | normalize_whitespace=yes |

Can only set the text/tail of a single element. Use Set Elements Text to set the text/tail of multiple elements in one call.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def set_element_text(self, source, text=None, tail=None, xpath='.'):
    """Sets text and/or tail text of the specified element.

    The element whose text to set is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`
    keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the ``source``
    is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

    Element's text and tail text are changed only if new ``text`` and/or
    ``tail`` values are given. See `Element attributes` section for more
    information about `text` and `tail` in general.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Set Element Text       | ${XML} | new text | xpath=first    |
    | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | new text | xpath=first    |
    | Set Element Text       | ${XML} | tail=&   | xpath=html/p/b |
    | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | Text with bold&italics. | xpath=html/p  | normalize_whitespace=yes |
    | Set Element Text       | ${XML} | slanted  | !! | xpath=html/p/i |
    | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | Text with bold&slanted!! | xpath=html/p  | normalize_whitespace=yes |

    Can only set the text/tail of a single element. Use `Set Elements Text`
    to set the text/tail of multiple elements in one call.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    element = self.get_element(source, xpath)
    if text is not None:
        element.text = text
    if tail is not None:
        element.tail = tail
    return source


set_elements_text(source, text=None, tail=None, xpath='.')

Sets text and/or tail text of the specified elements.

Like Set Element Text but sets the text or tail of all elements matching the given xpath.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def set_elements_text(self, source, text=None, tail=None, xpath='.'):
    """Sets text and/or tail text of the specified elements.

    Like `Set Element Text` but sets the text or tail of all elements
    matching the given ``xpath``.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    for elem in self.get_elements(source, xpath):
        self.set_element_text(elem, text, tail)
    return source


set_element_attribute(source, name, value, xpath='.')

Sets attribute name of the specified element to value.

The element whose attribute to set is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the source is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

It is possible to both set new attributes and to overwrite existing. Use Remove Element Attribute or Remove Element Attributes for removing them.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Set Element Attribute | ${XML} | attr | value | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${XML} | attr | value | | Set Element Attribute | ${XML} | id | new | xpath=first | | Element Attribute Should Be | ${XML} | id | new | xpath=first |

Can only set an attribute of a single element. Use Set Elements Attribute to set an attribute of multiple elements in one call.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def set_element_attribute(self, source, name, value, xpath='.'):
    """Sets attribute ``name`` of the specified element to ``value``.

    The element whose attribute to set is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`
    keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the ``source``
    is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

    It is possible to both set new attributes and to overwrite existing.
    Use `Remove Element Attribute` or `Remove Element Attributes` for
    removing them.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Set Element Attribute       | ${XML} | attr | value |
    | Element Attribute Should Be | ${XML} | attr | value |
    | Set Element Attribute       | ${XML} | id   | new   | xpath=first |
    | Element Attribute Should Be | ${XML} | id   | new   | xpath=first |

    Can only set an attribute of a single element. Use `Set Elements
    Attribute` to set an attribute of multiple elements in one call.
    if not name:
        raise RuntimeError('Attribute name can not be empty.')
    source = self.get_element(source)
    self.get_element(source, xpath).attrib[name] = value
    return source


set_elements_attribute(source, name, value, xpath='.')

Sets attribute name of the specified elements to value.

Like Set Element Attribute but sets the attribute of all elements matching the given xpath.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def set_elements_attribute(self, source, name, value, xpath='.'):
    """Sets attribute ``name`` of the specified elements to ``value``.

    Like `Set Element Attribute` but sets the attribute of all elements
    matching the given ``xpath``.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    for elem in self.get_elements(source, xpath):
        self.set_element_attribute(elem, name, value)
    return source


remove_element_attribute(source, name, xpath='.')

Removes attribute name from the specified element.

The element whose attribute to remove is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the source is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

It is not a failure to remove a non-existing attribute. Use Remove Element Attributes to remove all attributes and Set Element Attribute to set them.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Remove Element Attribute | ${XML} | id | xpath=first | | Element Should Not Have Attribute | ${XML} | id | xpath=first |

Can only remove an attribute from a single element. Use Remove Elements Attribute to remove an attribute of multiple elements in one call.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def remove_element_attribute(self, source, name, xpath='.'):
    """Removes attribute ``name`` from the specified element.

    The element whose attribute to remove is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`
    keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the ``source``
    is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

    It is not a failure to remove a non-existing attribute. Use `Remove
    Element Attributes` to remove all attributes and `Set Element Attribute`
    to set them.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Remove Element Attribute          | ${XML} | id | xpath=first |
    | Element Should Not Have Attribute | ${XML} | id | xpath=first |

    Can only remove an attribute from a single element. Use `Remove Elements
    Attribute` to remove an attribute of multiple elements in one call.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    attrib = self.get_element(source, xpath).attrib
    if name in attrib:
    return source


remove_elements_attribute(source, name, xpath='.')

Removes attribute name from the specified elements.

Like Remove Element Attribute but removes the attribute of all elements matching the given xpath.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def remove_elements_attribute(self, source, name, xpath='.'):
    """Removes attribute ``name`` from the specified elements.

    Like `Remove Element Attribute` but removes the attribute of all
    elements matching the given ``xpath``.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    for elem in self.get_elements(source, xpath):
        self.remove_element_attribute(elem, name)
    return source


remove_element_attributes(source, xpath='.')

Removes all attributes from the specified element.

The element whose attributes to remove is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the source is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

Use Remove Element Attribute to remove a single attribute and Set Element Attribute to set them.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Remove Element Attributes | ${XML} | xpath=first | | Element Should Not Have Attribute | ${XML} | id | xpath=first |

Can only remove attributes from a single element. Use Remove Elements Attributes to remove all attributes of multiple elements in one call.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def remove_element_attributes(self, source, xpath='.'):
    """Removes all attributes from the specified element.

    The element whose attributes to remove is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`
    keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the ``source``
    is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

    Use `Remove Element Attribute` to remove a single attribute and
    `Set Element Attribute` to set them.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Remove Element Attributes         | ${XML} | xpath=first |
    | Element Should Not Have Attribute | ${XML} | id | xpath=first |

    Can only remove attributes from a single element. Use `Remove Elements
    Attributes` to remove all attributes of multiple elements in one call.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    self.get_element(source, xpath).attrib.clear()
    return source


remove_elements_attributes(source, xpath='.')

Removes all attributes from the specified elements.

Like Remove Element Attributes but removes all attributes of all elements matching the given xpath.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def remove_elements_attributes(self, source, xpath='.'):
    """Removes all attributes from the specified elements.

    Like `Remove Element Attributes` but removes all attributes of all
    elements matching the given ``xpath``.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    for elem in self.get_elements(source, xpath):
    return source


add_element(source, element, index=None, xpath='.')

Adds a child element to the specified element.

The element to whom to add the new element is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the source is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

The element to add can be specified as a path to an XML file or as a string containing XML, or it can be an already parsed XML element. The element is copied before adding so modifying either the original or the added element has no effect on the other . The element is added as the last child by default, but a custom index can be used to alter the position. Indices start from zero (0 = first position, 1 = second position, etc.), and negative numbers refer to positions at the end (-1 = second last position, -2 = third last, etc.).

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Add Element | ${XML} | | | Add Element | ${XML} | | xpath=new | | Add Element | ${XML} | | index=1 | xpath=new | | ${new} = | Get Element | ${XML} | new | | Elements Should Be Equal | ${new} | |

Use Remove Element or Remove Elements to remove elements.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def add_element(self, source, element, index=None, xpath='.'):
    """Adds a child element to the specified element.

    The element to whom to add the new element is specified using ``source``
    and ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`
    keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the ``source``
    is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

    The ``element`` to add can be specified as a path to an XML file or
    as a string containing XML, or it can be an already parsed XML element.
    The element is copied before adding so modifying either the original
    or the added element has no effect on the other
    The element is added as the last child by default, but a custom index
    can be used to alter the position. Indices start from zero (0 = first
    position, 1 = second position, etc.), and negative numbers refer to
    positions at the end (-1 = second last position, -2 = third last, etc.).

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Add Element | ${XML} | <new id="x"><c1/></new> |
    | Add Element | ${XML} | <c2/> | xpath=new |
    | Add Element | ${XML} | <c3/> | index=1 | xpath=new |
    | ${new} = | Get Element | ${XML} | new |
    | Elements Should Be Equal | ${new} | <new id="x"><c1/><c3/><c2/></new> |

    Use `Remove Element` or `Remove Elements` to remove elements.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    parent = self.get_element(source, xpath)
    element = self.copy_element(element)
    if index is None:
        parent.insert(int(index), element)
    return source


remove_element(source, xpath='', remove_tail=False)

Removes the element matching xpath from the source structure.

The element to remove from the source is specified with xpath using the same semantics as with Get Element keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the source is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

The keyword fails if xpath does not match exactly one element. Use Remove Elements to remove all matched elements.

Element's tail text is not removed by default, but that can be changed by giving remove_tail a true value (see Boolean arguments). See Element attributes section for more information about tail in general.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Remove Element | ${XML} | xpath=second | | Element Should Not Exist | ${XML} | xpath=second | | Remove Element | ${XML} | xpath=html/p/b | remove_tail=yes | | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | Text with italics. | xpath=html/p | normalize_whitespace=yes |

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def remove_element(self, source, xpath='', remove_tail=False):
    """Removes the element matching ``xpath`` from the ``source`` structure.

    The element to remove from the ``source`` is specified with ``xpath``
    using the same semantics as with `Get Element` keyword. The resulting
    XML structure is returned, and if the ``source`` is an already parsed
    XML structure, it is also modified in place.

    The keyword fails if ``xpath`` does not match exactly one element.
    Use `Remove Elements` to remove all matched elements.

    Element's tail text is not removed by default, but that can be changed
    by giving ``remove_tail`` a true value (see `Boolean arguments`). See
    `Element attributes` section for more information about `tail` in

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Remove Element           | ${XML} | xpath=second |
    | Element Should Not Exist | ${XML} | xpath=second |
    | Remove Element           | ${XML} | xpath=html/p/b | remove_tail=yes |
    | Element Text Should Be   | ${XML} | Text with italics. | xpath=html/p | normalize_whitespace=yes |
    source = self.get_element(source)
    self._remove_element(source, self.get_element(source, xpath), remove_tail)
    return source


remove_elements(source, xpath='', remove_tail=False)

Removes all elements matching xpath from the source structure.

The elements to remove from the source are specified with xpath using the same semantics as with Get Elements keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the source is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

It is not a failure if xpath matches no elements. Use Remove Element to remove exactly one element.

Element's tail text is not removed by default, but that can be changed by using remove_tail argument similarly as with Remove Element.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Remove Elements | ${XML} | xpath=*/child | | Element Should Not Exist | ${XML} | xpath=second/child | | Element Should Not Exist | ${XML} | xpath=third/child |

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def remove_elements(self, source, xpath='', remove_tail=False):
    """Removes all elements matching ``xpath`` from the ``source`` structure.

    The elements to remove from the ``source`` are specified with ``xpath``
    using the same semantics as with `Get Elements` keyword. The resulting
    XML structure is returned, and if the ``source`` is an already parsed
    XML structure, it is also modified in place.

    It is not a failure if ``xpath`` matches no elements. Use `Remove
    Element` to remove exactly one element.

    Element's tail text is not removed by default, but that can be changed
    by using ``remove_tail`` argument similarly as with `Remove Element`.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Remove Elements          | ${XML} | xpath=*/child      |
    | Element Should Not Exist | ${XML} | xpath=second/child |
    | Element Should Not Exist | ${XML} | xpath=third/child  |
    source = self.get_element(source)
    for element in self.get_elements(source, xpath):
        self._remove_element(source, element, remove_tail)
    return source


clear_element(source, xpath='.', clear_tail=False)

Clears the contents of the specified element.

The element to clear is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword. The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the source is an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

Clearing the element means removing its text, attributes, and children. Element's tail text is not removed by default, but that can be changed by giving clear_tail a true value (see Boolean arguments). See Element attributes section for more information about tail in general.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | Clear Element | ${XML} | xpath=first | | ${first} = | Get Element | ${XML} | xpath=first | | Elements Should Be Equal | ${first} | | | Clear Element | ${XML} | xpath=html/p/b | clear_tail=yes | | Element Text Should Be | ${XML} | Text with italics. | xpath=html/p | normalize_whitespace=yes | | Clear Element | ${XML} | | Elements Should Be Equal | ${XML} | |

Use Remove Element to remove the whole element.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def clear_element(self, source, xpath='.', clear_tail=False):
    """Clears the contents of the specified element.

    The element to clear is specified using ``source`` and ``xpath``. They
    have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element` keyword.
    The resulting XML structure is returned, and if the ``source`` is
    an already parsed XML structure, it is also modified in place.

    Clearing the element means removing its text, attributes, and children.
    Element's tail text is not removed by default, but that can be changed
    by giving ``clear_tail`` a true value (see `Boolean arguments`). See
    `Element attributes` section for more information about tail in

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | Clear Element            | ${XML}   | xpath=first |
    | ${first} = | Get Element | ${XML}   | xpath=first |
    | Elements Should Be Equal | ${first} | <first/>    |
    | Clear Element            | ${XML}   | xpath=html/p/b | clear_tail=yes |
    | Element Text Should Be   | ${XML}   | Text with italics. | xpath=html/p | normalize_whitespace=yes |
    | Clear Element            | ${XML}   |
    | Elements Should Be Equal | ${XML}   | <example/> |

    Use `Remove Element` to remove the whole element.
    source = self.get_element(source)
    element = self.get_element(source, xpath)
    tail = element.tail
    if not clear_tail:
        element.tail = tail
    return source


copy_element(source, xpath='.')

Returns a copy of the specified element.

The element to copy is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

If the copy or the original element is modified afterward, the changes have no effect on the other.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${elem} = | Get Element | ${XML} | xpath=first | | ${copy1} = | Copy Element | ${elem} | | ${copy2} = | Copy Element | ${XML} | xpath=first | | Set Element Text | ${XML} | new text | xpath=first | | Set Element Attribute | ${copy1} | id | new | | Elements Should Be Equal | ${elem} | new text | | Elements Should Be Equal | ${copy1} | text | | Elements Should Be Equal | ${copy2} | text |

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def copy_element(self, source, xpath='.'):
    """Returns a copy of the specified element.

    The element to copy is specified using ``source`` and ``xpath``. They
    have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element` keyword.

    If the copy or the original element is modified afterward, the changes
    have no effect on the other.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${elem} =  | Get Element  | ${XML}  | xpath=first |
    | ${copy1} = | Copy Element | ${elem} |
    | ${copy2} = | Copy Element | ${XML}  | xpath=first |
    | Set Element Text         | ${XML}   | new text    | xpath=first      |
    | Set Element Attribute    | ${copy1} | id          | new              |
    | Elements Should Be Equal | ${elem}  | <first id="1">new text</first> |
    | Elements Should Be Equal | ${copy1} | <first id="new">text</first>   |
    | Elements Should Be Equal | ${copy2} | <first id="1">text</first>     |
    return copy.deepcopy(self.get_element(source, xpath))


element_to_string(source, xpath='.', encoding=None)

Returns the string representation of the specified element.

The element to convert to a string is specified using source and xpath. They have exactly the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

The string is returned as Unicode by default. If encoding argument is given any value, the string is returned as bytes in the specified encoding. The resulting string never contains the XML declaration.

See also Log Element and Save XML.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def element_to_string(self, source, xpath='.', encoding=None):
    """Returns the string representation of the specified element.

    The element to convert to a string is specified using ``source`` and
    ``xpath``. They have exactly the same semantics as with `Get Element`

    The string is returned as Unicode by default. If ``encoding`` argument
    is given any value, the string is returned as bytes in the specified
    encoding. The resulting string never contains the XML declaration.

    See also `Log Element` and `Save XML`.
    source = self.get_element(source, xpath)
    if self.lxml_etree:
        source = self._ns_stripper.unstrip(source)
    string = self.etree.tostring(source, encoding='UTF-8').decode('UTF-8')
    string = re.sub(r'^<\?xml .*\?>', '', string).strip()
    if encoding:
        string = string.encode(encoding)
    return string


log_element(source, level='INFO', xpath='.')

Logs the string representation of the specified element.

The element specified with source and xpath is first converted into a string using Element To String keyword internally. The resulting string is then logged using the given level.

The logged string is also returned.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def log_element(self, source, level='INFO', xpath='.'):
    """Logs the string representation of the specified element.

    The element specified with ``source`` and ``xpath`` is first converted
    into a string using `Element To String` keyword internally. The
    resulting string is then logged using the given ``level``.

    The logged string is also returned.
    string = self.element_to_string(source, xpath)
    logger.write(string, level)
    return string


save_xml(source, path, encoding='UTF-8')

Saves the given element to the specified file.

The element to save is specified with source using the same semantics as with Get Element keyword.

The file where the element is saved is denoted with path and the encoding to use with encoding. The resulting file always contains the XML declaration.

The resulting XML file may not be exactly the same as the original: - Comments and processing instructions are always stripped. - Possible doctype and namespace prefixes are only preserved when using lxml. - Other small differences are possible depending on the ElementTree or lxml version.

Use Element To String if you just need a string representation of the element.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def save_xml(self, source, path, encoding='UTF-8'):
    """Saves the given element to the specified file.

    The element to save is specified with ``source`` using the same
    semantics as with `Get Element` keyword.

    The file where the element is saved is denoted with ``path`` and the
    encoding to use with ``encoding``. The resulting file always contains
    the XML declaration.

    The resulting XML file may not be exactly the same as the original:
    - Comments and processing instructions are always stripped.
    - Possible doctype and namespace prefixes are only preserved when
      `using lxml`.
    - Other small differences are possible depending on the ElementTree
      or lxml version.

    Use `Element To String` if you just need a string representation of
    the element.
    path = os.path.abspath(str(path) if isinstance(path, os.PathLike)
                           else path.replace('/', os.sep))
    elem = self.get_element(source)
    tree = self.etree.ElementTree(elem)
    config = {'encoding': encoding}
    if self.modern_etree:
        config['xml_declaration'] = True
    if self.lxml_etree:
        elem = self._ns_stripper.unstrip(elem)
        if tree.docinfo.doctype:
            config['doctype'] = tree.docinfo.doctype
        tree = self.etree.ElementTree(elem)
    with open(path, 'wb') as output:
        if 'doctype' in config:
            output.write(self.etree.tostring(tree, **config))
            tree.write(output, **config)'XML saved to <a href="file://{path}">{path}</a>.', html=True)


evaluate_xpath(source, expression, context='.')

Evaluates the given xpath expression and returns results.

The element in which context the expression is executed is specified using source and context arguments. They have exactly the same semantics as source and xpath arguments have with Get Element keyword.

The xpath expression to evaluate is given as expression argument. The result of the evaluation is returned as-is.

Examples using ${XML} structure from Example: | ${count} = | Evaluate Xpath | ${XML} | count(third/) | | Should Be Equal | ${count} | ${3} | | ${text} = | Evaluate Xpath | ${XML} | string(descendant::second[last()]/@id) | | Should Be Equal | ${text} | child | | ${bold} = | Evaluate Xpath | ${XML} | boolean(preceding-sibling::[1] = 'bold') | context=html/p/i | | Should Be Equal | ${bold} | ${True} |

This keyword works only if lxml mode is taken into use when importing the library.

Source code in src/robot/libraries/
def evaluate_xpath(self, source, expression, context='.'):
    """Evaluates the given xpath expression and returns results.

    The element in which context the expression is executed is specified
    using ``source`` and ``context`` arguments. They have exactly the same
    semantics as ``source`` and ``xpath`` arguments have with `Get Element`

    The xpath expression to evaluate is given as ``expression`` argument.
    The result of the evaluation is returned as-is.

    Examples using ``${XML}`` structure from `Example`:
    | ${count} =      | Evaluate Xpath | ${XML}  | count(third/*) |
    | Should Be Equal | ${count}       | ${3}    |
    | ${text} =       | Evaluate Xpath | ${XML}  | string(descendant::second[last()]/@id) |
    | Should Be Equal | ${text}        | child   |
    | ${bold} =       | Evaluate Xpath | ${XML}  | boolean(preceding-sibling::*[1] = 'bold') | context=html/p/i |
    | Should Be Equal | ${bold}        | ${True} |

    This keyword works only if lxml mode is taken into use when `importing`
    the library.
    if not self.lxml_etree:
        raise RuntimeError("'Evaluate Xpath' keyword only works in lxml mode.")
    return self.get_element(source, context).xpath(expression)