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    source: Path | str | None = None,
    owner: TestSuite | None = None,
    doc: str = "",

Bases: ModelObject

Represents a resource file.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def __init__(self, source: 'Path|str|None' = None,
             owner: 'TestSuite|None' = None,
             doc: str = ''):
    self.source = source
    self.owner = owner
    self.doc = doc
    self.keyword_finder = KeywordFinder['UserKeyword'](self)
    self.imports = []
    self.variables = []
    self.keywords = []

from_dict classmethod

from_dict(data: DataDict) -> T

Create this object based on data in a dictionary.

Data can be got from the :meth:to_dict method or created externally.

With robot.running model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1, with robot.result new in Robot Framework 7.0.

Source code in src/robot/model/
def from_dict(cls: Type[T], data: DataDict) -> T:
    """Create this object based on data in a dictionary.

    Data can be got from the :meth:`to_dict` method or created externally.

    With ``robot.running`` model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1,
    with ``robot.result`` new in Robot Framework 7.0.
        return cls().config(**data)
    except (AttributeError, TypeError) as err:
        raise DataError(f"Creating '{full_name(cls)}' object from dictionary "
                        f"failed: {err}")

from_json classmethod

from_json(source: str | bytes | TextIO | Path) -> T

Create this object based on JSON data.

The data is given as the source parameter. It can be:

  • a string (or bytes) containing the data directly,
  • an open file object where to read the data from, or
  • a path (pathlib.Path or string) to a UTF-8 encoded file to read.

The JSON data is first converted to a Python dictionary and the object created using the :meth:from_dict method.

Notice that the source is considered to be JSON data if it is a string and contains {. If you need to use { in a file system path, pass it in as a pathlib.Path instance.

With robot.running model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1, with robot.result new in Robot Framework 7.0.

Source code in src/robot/model/
def from_json(cls: Type[T], source: 'str|bytes|TextIO|Path') -> T:
    """Create this object based on JSON data.

    The data is given as the ``source`` parameter. It can be:

    - a string (or bytes) containing the data directly,
    - an open file object where to read the data from, or
    - a path (``pathlib.Path`` or string) to a UTF-8 encoded file to read.

    The JSON data is first converted to a Python dictionary and the object
    created using the :meth:`from_dict` method.

    Notice that the ``source`` is considered to be JSON data if it is
    a string and contains ``{``. If you need to use ``{`` in a file system
    path, pass it in as a ``pathlib.Path`` instance.

    With ``robot.running`` model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1,
    with ``robot.result`` new in Robot Framework 7.0.
        data = JsonLoader().load(source)
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
        raise DataError(f'Loading JSON data failed: {err}')
    return cls.from_dict(data)


    file: None = None,
    ensure_ascii: bool = False,
    indent: int = 0,
    separators: tuple[str, str] = (",", ":")
) -> str
    file: TextIO | Path | str,
    ensure_ascii: bool = False,
    indent: int = 0,
    separators: tuple[str, str] = (",", ":")
) -> None
    file: None | TextIO | Path | str = None,
    ensure_ascii: bool = False,
    indent: int = 0,
    separators: tuple[str, str] = (",", ":")
) -> str | None

Serialize this object into JSON.

The object is first converted to a Python dictionary using the :meth:to_dict method and then the dictionary is converted to JSON.

The file parameter controls what to do with the resulting JSON data. It can be:

  • None (default) to return the data as a string,
  • an open file object where to write the data to, or
  • a path (pathlib.Path or string) to a file where to write the data using UTF-8 encoding.

JSON formatting can be configured using optional parameters that are passed directly to the underlying json__ module. Notice that the defaults differ from what json uses.

With robot.running model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1, with robot.result new in Robot Framework 7.0.


Source code in src/robot/model/
def to_json(self, file: 'None|TextIO|Path|str' = None, *,
            ensure_ascii: bool = False, indent: int = 0,
            separators: 'tuple[str, str]' = (',', ':')) -> 'str|None':
    """Serialize this object into JSON.

    The object is first converted to a Python dictionary using the
    :meth:`to_dict` method and then the dictionary is converted to JSON.

    The ``file`` parameter controls what to do with the resulting JSON data.
    It can be:

    - ``None`` (default) to return the data as a string,
    - an open file object where to write the data to, or
    - a path (``pathlib.Path`` or string) to a file where to write
      the data using UTF-8 encoding.

    JSON formatting can be configured using optional parameters that
    are passed directly to the underlying json__ module. Notice that
    the defaults differ from what ``json`` uses.

    With ``robot.running`` model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1,
    with ``robot.result`` new in Robot Framework 7.0.

    return JsonDumper(ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, indent=indent,
                      separators=separators).dump(self.to_dict(), file)


config(**attributes) -> T

Configure model object with given attributes.

obj.config(name='Example', doc='Something') is equivalent to setting = 'Example' and obj.doc = 'Something'.

New in Robot Framework 4.0.

Source code in src/robot/model/
def config(self: T, **attributes) -> T:
    """Configure model object with given attributes.

    ``obj.config(name='Example', doc='Something')`` is equivalent to setting
    `` = 'Example'`` and ``obj.doc = 'Something'``.

    New in Robot Framework 4.0.
    for name, value in attributes.items():
            orig = getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError(f"'{full_name(self)}' object does not have "
                                 f"attribute '{name}'")
        # Preserve tuples. Main motivation is converting lists with `from_json`.
        if isinstance(orig, tuple) and not isinstance(value, tuple):
                value = tuple(value)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError(f"'{full_name(self)}' object attribute '{name}' "
                                f"is 'tuple', got '{type_name(value)}'.")
            setattr(self, name, value)
        except AttributeError as err:
            # Ignore error setting attribute if the object already has it.
            # Avoids problems with `from_dict` with body items having
            # un-settable `type` attribute that is needed in dict data.
            if value != orig:
                raise AttributeError(f"Setting attribute '{name}' failed: {err}")
    return self


copy(**attributes) -> T

Return a shallow copy of this object.

:param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy. For example, obj.copy(name='New name').

See also :meth:deepcopy. The difference between copy and deepcopy is the same as with the methods having same names in the copy__ module.


Source code in src/robot/model/
def copy(self: T, **attributes) -> T:
    """Return a shallow copy of this object.

    :param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy.
        For example, ``obj.copy(name='New name')``.

    See also :meth:`deepcopy`. The difference between ``copy`` and
    ``deepcopy`` is the same as with the methods having same names in
    the copy__ module.

    return copy.copy(self).config(**attributes)


deepcopy(**attributes) -> T

Return a deep copy of this object.

:param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy. For example, obj.deepcopy(name='New name').

See also :meth:copy. The difference between deepcopy and copy is the same as with the methods having same names in the copy__ module.


Source code in src/robot/model/
def deepcopy(self: T, **attributes) -> T:
    """Return a deep copy of this object.

    :param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy.
        For example, ``obj.deepcopy(name='New name')``.

    See also :meth:`copy`. The difference between ``deepcopy`` and
    ``copy`` is the same as with the methods having same names in
    the copy__ module.

    return copy.deepcopy(self).config(**attributes)

name property

name: str | None

Resource file name.

None if resource file is part of a suite or if it does not have :attr:source, name of the source file without the extension otherwise.

from_file_system classmethod

    path: Path | str, **config
) -> ResourceFile

Create a :class:ResourceFile object based on the give path.

:param path: File path where to read the data from. :param config: Configuration parameters for class that is used internally for building the suite.

New in Robot Framework 6.1. See also :meth:from_string and :meth:from_model.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def from_file_system(cls, path: 'Path|str', **config) -> 'ResourceFile':
    """Create a :class:`ResourceFile` object based on the give ``path``.

    :param path: File path where to read the data from.
    :param config: Configuration parameters for :class:``
        class that is used internally for building the suite.

    New in Robot Framework 6.1. See also :meth:`from_string` and :meth:`from_model`.
    from .builder import ResourceFileBuilder
    return ResourceFileBuilder(**config).build(path)

from_string classmethod

from_string(string: str, **config) -> ResourceFile

Create a :class:ResourceFile object based on the given string.

:param string: String to create the resource file from. :param config: Configuration parameters for :func:~robot.parsing.parser.parser.get_resource_model used internally.

New in Robot Framework 6.1. See also :meth:from_file_system and :meth:from_model.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def from_string(cls, string: str, **config) -> 'ResourceFile':
    """Create a :class:`ResourceFile` object based on the given ``string``.

    :param string: String to create the resource file from.
    :param config: Configuration parameters for
         :func:`~robot.parsing.parser.parser.get_resource_model` used internally.

    New in Robot Framework 6.1. See also :meth:`from_file_system` and
    from robot.parsing import get_resource_model
    model = get_resource_model(string, data_only=True, **config)
    return cls.from_model(model)

from_model classmethod

from_model(model: File) -> ResourceFile

Create a :class:ResourceFile object based on the given model.

:param model: Model to create the suite from.

The model can be created by using the :func:~robot.parsing.parser.parser.get_resource_model function and possibly modified by other tooling in the :mod:robot.parsing module.

New in Robot Framework 6.1. See also :meth:from_file_system and :meth:from_string.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def from_model(cls, model: 'File') -> 'ResourceFile':
    """Create a :class:`ResourceFile` object based on the given ``model``.

    :param model: Model to create the suite from.

    The model can be created by using the
    :func:`~robot.parsing.parser.parser.get_resource_model` function and possibly
    modified by other tooling in the :mod:`robot.parsing` module.

    New in Robot Framework 6.1. See also :meth:`from_file_system` and
    from .builder import RobotParser
    return RobotParser().parse_resource_model(model)


    name: str = "",
    args: ArgumentSpec | Sequence[str] | None = (),
    doc: str = "",
    tags: Tags | Sequence[str] = (),
    timeout: str | None = None,
    lineno: int | None = None,
    owner: ResourceFile | None = None,
    parent: BodyItemParent | None = None,
    error: str | None = None,

Bases: KeywordImplementation

Represents a user keyword.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def __init__(self, name: str = '',
             args: 'ArgumentSpec|Sequence[str]|None' = (),
             doc: str = '',
             tags: 'Tags|Sequence[str]' = (),
             timeout: 'str|None' = None,
             lineno: 'int|None' = None,
             owner: 'ResourceFile|None' = None,
             parent: 'BodyItemParent|None' = None,
             error: 'str|None' = None):
    super().__init__(name, args, doc, tags, lineno, owner, parent, error)
    self.timeout = timeout
    self._setup = None
    self._teardown = None
    self.body = []

from_dict classmethod

from_dict(data: DataDict) -> T

Create this object based on data in a dictionary.

Data can be got from the :meth:to_dict method or created externally.

With robot.running model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1, with robot.result new in Robot Framework 7.0.

Source code in src/robot/model/
def from_dict(cls: Type[T], data: DataDict) -> T:
    """Create this object based on data in a dictionary.

    Data can be got from the :meth:`to_dict` method or created externally.

    With ``robot.running`` model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1,
    with ``robot.result`` new in Robot Framework 7.0.
        return cls().config(**data)
    except (AttributeError, TypeError) as err:
        raise DataError(f"Creating '{full_name(cls)}' object from dictionary "
                        f"failed: {err}")

from_json classmethod

from_json(source: str | bytes | TextIO | Path) -> T

Create this object based on JSON data.

The data is given as the source parameter. It can be:

  • a string (or bytes) containing the data directly,
  • an open file object where to read the data from, or
  • a path (pathlib.Path or string) to a UTF-8 encoded file to read.

The JSON data is first converted to a Python dictionary and the object created using the :meth:from_dict method.

Notice that the source is considered to be JSON data if it is a string and contains {. If you need to use { in a file system path, pass it in as a pathlib.Path instance.

With robot.running model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1, with robot.result new in Robot Framework 7.0.

Source code in src/robot/model/
def from_json(cls: Type[T], source: 'str|bytes|TextIO|Path') -> T:
    """Create this object based on JSON data.

    The data is given as the ``source`` parameter. It can be:

    - a string (or bytes) containing the data directly,
    - an open file object where to read the data from, or
    - a path (``pathlib.Path`` or string) to a UTF-8 encoded file to read.

    The JSON data is first converted to a Python dictionary and the object
    created using the :meth:`from_dict` method.

    Notice that the ``source`` is considered to be JSON data if it is
    a string and contains ``{``. If you need to use ``{`` in a file system
    path, pass it in as a ``pathlib.Path`` instance.

    With ``robot.running`` model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1,
    with ``robot.result`` new in Robot Framework 7.0.
        data = JsonLoader().load(source)
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
        raise DataError(f'Loading JSON data failed: {err}')
    return cls.from_dict(data)


    file: None = None,
    ensure_ascii: bool = False,
    indent: int = 0,
    separators: tuple[str, str] = (",", ":")
) -> str
    file: TextIO | Path | str,
    ensure_ascii: bool = False,
    indent: int = 0,
    separators: tuple[str, str] = (",", ":")
) -> None
    file: None | TextIO | Path | str = None,
    ensure_ascii: bool = False,
    indent: int = 0,
    separators: tuple[str, str] = (",", ":")
) -> str | None

Serialize this object into JSON.

The object is first converted to a Python dictionary using the :meth:to_dict method and then the dictionary is converted to JSON.

The file parameter controls what to do with the resulting JSON data. It can be:

  • None (default) to return the data as a string,
  • an open file object where to write the data to, or
  • a path (pathlib.Path or string) to a file where to write the data using UTF-8 encoding.

JSON formatting can be configured using optional parameters that are passed directly to the underlying json__ module. Notice that the defaults differ from what json uses.

With robot.running model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1, with robot.result new in Robot Framework 7.0.


Source code in src/robot/model/
def to_json(self, file: 'None|TextIO|Path|str' = None, *,
            ensure_ascii: bool = False, indent: int = 0,
            separators: 'tuple[str, str]' = (',', ':')) -> 'str|None':
    """Serialize this object into JSON.

    The object is first converted to a Python dictionary using the
    :meth:`to_dict` method and then the dictionary is converted to JSON.

    The ``file`` parameter controls what to do with the resulting JSON data.
    It can be:

    - ``None`` (default) to return the data as a string,
    - an open file object where to write the data to, or
    - a path (``pathlib.Path`` or string) to a file where to write
      the data using UTF-8 encoding.

    JSON formatting can be configured using optional parameters that
    are passed directly to the underlying json__ module. Notice that
    the defaults differ from what ``json`` uses.

    With ``robot.running`` model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1,
    with ``robot.result`` new in Robot Framework 7.0.

    return JsonDumper(ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, indent=indent,
                      separators=separators).dump(self.to_dict(), file)


config(**attributes) -> T

Configure model object with given attributes.

obj.config(name='Example', doc='Something') is equivalent to setting = 'Example' and obj.doc = 'Something'.

New in Robot Framework 4.0.

Source code in src/robot/model/
def config(self: T, **attributes) -> T:
    """Configure model object with given attributes.

    ``obj.config(name='Example', doc='Something')`` is equivalent to setting
    `` = 'Example'`` and ``obj.doc = 'Something'``.

    New in Robot Framework 4.0.
    for name, value in attributes.items():
            orig = getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError(f"'{full_name(self)}' object does not have "
                                 f"attribute '{name}'")
        # Preserve tuples. Main motivation is converting lists with `from_json`.
        if isinstance(orig, tuple) and not isinstance(value, tuple):
                value = tuple(value)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError(f"'{full_name(self)}' object attribute '{name}' "
                                f"is 'tuple', got '{type_name(value)}'.")
            setattr(self, name, value)
        except AttributeError as err:
            # Ignore error setting attribute if the object already has it.
            # Avoids problems with `from_dict` with body items having
            # un-settable `type` attribute that is needed in dict data.
            if value != orig:
                raise AttributeError(f"Setting attribute '{name}' failed: {err}")
    return self


copy(**attributes) -> T

Return a shallow copy of this object.

:param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy. For example, obj.copy(name='New name').

See also :meth:deepcopy. The difference between copy and deepcopy is the same as with the methods having same names in the copy__ module.


Source code in src/robot/model/
def copy(self: T, **attributes) -> T:
    """Return a shallow copy of this object.

    :param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy.
        For example, ``obj.copy(name='New name')``.

    See also :meth:`deepcopy`. The difference between ``copy`` and
    ``deepcopy`` is the same as with the methods having same names in
    the copy__ module.

    return copy.copy(self).config(**attributes)


deepcopy(**attributes) -> T

Return a deep copy of this object.

:param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy. For example, obj.deepcopy(name='New name').

See also :meth:copy. The difference between deepcopy and copy is the same as with the methods having same names in the copy__ module.


Source code in src/robot/model/
def deepcopy(self: T, **attributes) -> T:
    """Return a deep copy of this object.

    :param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy.
        For example, ``obj.deepcopy(name='New name')``.

    See also :meth:`copy`. The difference between ``deepcopy`` and
    ``copy`` is the same as with the methods having same names in
    the copy__ module.

    return copy.deepcopy(self).config(**attributes)

params property

params: ArgumentSpec

Keyword parameter information.

This is a forward compatible alias for :attr:args.


matches(name: str) -> bool

Returns true if name matches the keyword name.

With normal keywords matching is a case, space and underscore insensitive string comparison. With keywords accepting embedded arguments, matching is done against the name.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def matches(self, name: str) -> bool:
    """Returns true if ``name`` matches the keyword name.

    With normal keywords matching is a case, space and underscore insensitive
    string comparison. With keywords accepting embedded arguments, matching
    is done against the name.
    if self.embedded:
        return self.embedded.match(name) is not None
    return eq(, name, ignore='_')

setup property writable

setup: Keyword

User keyword setup as a :class:Keyword object.

New in Robot Framework 7.0.

has_setup property

has_setup: bool

Check does a keyword have a setup without creating a setup object.

See :attr:has_teardown for more information. New in Robot Framework 7.0.

teardown property writable

teardown: Keyword

User keyword teardown as a :class:Keyword object.

has_teardown property

has_teardown: bool

Check does a keyword have a teardown without creating a teardown object.

A difference between using if kw.has_teardown: and if kw.teardown: is that accessing the :attr:teardown attribute creates a :class:Keyword object representing the teardown even when the user keyword actually does not have one. This can have an effect on memory usage.

New in Robot Framework 6.1.


    type: Literal["LIBRARY", "RESOURCE", "VARIABLES"],
    name: str,
    args: Sequence[str] = (),
    alias: str | None = None,
    owner: ResourceFile | None = None,
    lineno: int | None = None,

Bases: ModelObject

Represents library, resource file or variable file import.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def __init__(self, type: Literal['LIBRARY', 'RESOURCE', 'VARIABLES'],
             name: str,
             args: Sequence[str] = (),
             alias: 'str|None' = None,
             owner: 'ResourceFile|None' = None,
             lineno: 'int|None' = None):
    if type not in (self.LIBRARY, self.RESOURCE, self.VARIABLES):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid import type: Expected '{self.LIBRARY}', "
                         f"'{self.RESOURCE}' or '{self.VARIABLES}', got '{type}'.")
    self.type = type = name
    self.args = tuple(args)
    self.alias = alias
    self.owner = owner
    self.lineno = lineno

from_json classmethod

from_json(source: str | bytes | TextIO | Path) -> T

Create this object based on JSON data.

The data is given as the source parameter. It can be:

  • a string (or bytes) containing the data directly,
  • an open file object where to read the data from, or
  • a path (pathlib.Path or string) to a UTF-8 encoded file to read.

The JSON data is first converted to a Python dictionary and the object created using the :meth:from_dict method.

Notice that the source is considered to be JSON data if it is a string and contains {. If you need to use { in a file system path, pass it in as a pathlib.Path instance.

With robot.running model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1, with robot.result new in Robot Framework 7.0.

Source code in src/robot/model/
def from_json(cls: Type[T], source: 'str|bytes|TextIO|Path') -> T:
    """Create this object based on JSON data.

    The data is given as the ``source`` parameter. It can be:

    - a string (or bytes) containing the data directly,
    - an open file object where to read the data from, or
    - a path (``pathlib.Path`` or string) to a UTF-8 encoded file to read.

    The JSON data is first converted to a Python dictionary and the object
    created using the :meth:`from_dict` method.

    Notice that the ``source`` is considered to be JSON data if it is
    a string and contains ``{``. If you need to use ``{`` in a file system
    path, pass it in as a ``pathlib.Path`` instance.

    With ``robot.running`` model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1,
    with ``robot.result`` new in Robot Framework 7.0.
        data = JsonLoader().load(source)
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
        raise DataError(f'Loading JSON data failed: {err}')
    return cls.from_dict(data)


    file: None = None,
    ensure_ascii: bool = False,
    indent: int = 0,
    separators: tuple[str, str] = (",", ":")
) -> str
    file: TextIO | Path | str,
    ensure_ascii: bool = False,
    indent: int = 0,
    separators: tuple[str, str] = (",", ":")
) -> None
    file: None | TextIO | Path | str = None,
    ensure_ascii: bool = False,
    indent: int = 0,
    separators: tuple[str, str] = (",", ":")
) -> str | None

Serialize this object into JSON.

The object is first converted to a Python dictionary using the :meth:to_dict method and then the dictionary is converted to JSON.

The file parameter controls what to do with the resulting JSON data. It can be:

  • None (default) to return the data as a string,
  • an open file object where to write the data to, or
  • a path (pathlib.Path or string) to a file where to write the data using UTF-8 encoding.

JSON formatting can be configured using optional parameters that are passed directly to the underlying json__ module. Notice that the defaults differ from what json uses.

With robot.running model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1, with robot.result new in Robot Framework 7.0.


Source code in src/robot/model/
def to_json(self, file: 'None|TextIO|Path|str' = None, *,
            ensure_ascii: bool = False, indent: int = 0,
            separators: 'tuple[str, str]' = (',', ':')) -> 'str|None':
    """Serialize this object into JSON.

    The object is first converted to a Python dictionary using the
    :meth:`to_dict` method and then the dictionary is converted to JSON.

    The ``file`` parameter controls what to do with the resulting JSON data.
    It can be:

    - ``None`` (default) to return the data as a string,
    - an open file object where to write the data to, or
    - a path (``pathlib.Path`` or string) to a file where to write
      the data using UTF-8 encoding.

    JSON formatting can be configured using optional parameters that
    are passed directly to the underlying json__ module. Notice that
    the defaults differ from what ``json`` uses.

    With ``robot.running`` model objects new in Robot Framework 6.1,
    with ``robot.result`` new in Robot Framework 7.0.

    return JsonDumper(ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, indent=indent,
                      separators=separators).dump(self.to_dict(), file)


config(**attributes) -> T

Configure model object with given attributes.

obj.config(name='Example', doc='Something') is equivalent to setting = 'Example' and obj.doc = 'Something'.

New in Robot Framework 4.0.

Source code in src/robot/model/
def config(self: T, **attributes) -> T:
    """Configure model object with given attributes.

    ``obj.config(name='Example', doc='Something')`` is equivalent to setting
    `` = 'Example'`` and ``obj.doc = 'Something'``.

    New in Robot Framework 4.0.
    for name, value in attributes.items():
            orig = getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError(f"'{full_name(self)}' object does not have "
                                 f"attribute '{name}'")
        # Preserve tuples. Main motivation is converting lists with `from_json`.
        if isinstance(orig, tuple) and not isinstance(value, tuple):
                value = tuple(value)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError(f"'{full_name(self)}' object attribute '{name}' "
                                f"is 'tuple', got '{type_name(value)}'.")
            setattr(self, name, value)
        except AttributeError as err:
            # Ignore error setting attribute if the object already has it.
            # Avoids problems with `from_dict` with body items having
            # un-settable `type` attribute that is needed in dict data.
            if value != orig:
                raise AttributeError(f"Setting attribute '{name}' failed: {err}")
    return self


copy(**attributes) -> T

Return a shallow copy of this object.

:param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy. For example, obj.copy(name='New name').

See also :meth:deepcopy. The difference between copy and deepcopy is the same as with the methods having same names in the copy__ module.


Source code in src/robot/model/
def copy(self: T, **attributes) -> T:
    """Return a shallow copy of this object.

    :param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy.
        For example, ``obj.copy(name='New name')``.

    See also :meth:`deepcopy`. The difference between ``copy`` and
    ``deepcopy`` is the same as with the methods having same names in
    the copy__ module.

    return copy.copy(self).config(**attributes)


deepcopy(**attributes) -> T

Return a deep copy of this object.

:param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy. For example, obj.deepcopy(name='New name').

See also :meth:copy. The difference between deepcopy and copy is the same as with the methods having same names in the copy__ module.


Source code in src/robot/model/
def deepcopy(self: T, **attributes) -> T:
    """Return a deep copy of this object.

    :param attributes: Attributes to be set to the returned copy.
        For example, ``obj.deepcopy(name='New name')``.

    See also :meth:`copy`. The difference between ``deepcopy`` and
    ``copy`` is the same as with the methods having same names in
    the copy__ module.

    return copy.deepcopy(self).config(**attributes)


    owner: ResourceFile, imports: Sequence[Import] = ()

Bases: ItemList

Source code in src/robot/running/
def __init__(self, owner: ResourceFile, imports: Sequence[Import] = ()):
    super().__init__(Import, {'owner': owner}, items=imports)


to_dicts() -> list[DataDict]

Return list of items converted to dictionaries.

Items are converted to dictionaries using the to_dict method, if they have it, or the built-in vars().

New in Robot Framework 6.1.

Source code in src/robot/model/
def to_dicts(self) -> 'list[DataDict]':
    """Return list of items converted to dictionaries.

    Items are converted to dictionaries using the ``to_dict`` method, if
    they have it, or the built-in ``vars()``.

    New in Robot Framework 6.1.
    if not hasattr(self._item_class, 'to_dict'):
        return [vars(item) for item in self]
    return [item.to_dict() for item in self]    # type: ignore


    name: str,
    args: Sequence[str] = (),
    alias: str | None = None,
    lineno: int | None = None,
) -> Import

Create library import.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def library(self, name: str, args: Sequence[str] = (), alias: 'str|None' = None,
            lineno: 'int|None' = None) -> Import:
    """Create library import."""
    return self.create(Import.LIBRARY, name, args, alias, lineno=lineno)


resource(name: str, lineno: int | None = None) -> Import

Create resource import.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def resource(self, name: str, lineno: 'int|None' = None) -> Import:
    """Create resource import."""
    return self.create(Import.RESOURCE, name, lineno=lineno)


    name: str,
    args: Sequence[str] = (),
    lineno: int | None = None,
) -> Import

Create variables import.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def variables(self, name: str, args: Sequence[str] = (),
              lineno: 'int|None' = None) -> Import:
    """Create variables import."""
    return self.create(Import.VARIABLES, name, args, lineno=lineno)


create(*args, **kwargs) -> Import

Generic method for creating imports.

Import type specific methods :meth:library, :meth:resource and :meth:variables are recommended over this method.

Source code in src/robot/running/
def create(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Import:
    """Generic method for creating imports.

    Import type specific methods :meth:`library`, :meth:`resource` and
    :meth:`variables` are recommended over this method.
    # RF 6.1 changed types to upper case. Code below adds backwards compatibility.
    if args:
        args = (args[0].upper(),) + args[1:]
    elif 'type' in kwargs:
        kwargs['type'] = kwargs['type'].upper()
    return super().create(*args, **kwargs)